Mountains’ Love
Can you tell I love mountains so much?
I think there is no better way to have my first series of stickers related to mountains. It basically sums up the reasons that I love mountains so much and what I have learned from them.
Simple reason. The mountains are calling. Who doesn't enjoy looking at the beautiful landscapes?
YOLO - You only live once . Life is short, I get to explore as many as possible. Exploring different mountains are something I want to do, I live without regret.
I’m going home - Every time when I am in the nature, it just like a different way of mediation for me. I can shut off my brain and escape from reality for a bit. I get recharge and refresh and back to reality. That’s actually the best way to release all my anxiety and stress. I feel so peaceful in the nature.
Keep Going - There are always different paths to go up a mountain, just like life. There are always a way to achieve the goals. It may be a hard way. But I truly believe I keep going, eventually I will get there. Even though you don’t, you will get and learn something along the way.
Going Home - Going to mountains just feels like going home. I even had colleagues called me mountain goat before 🐐
Be myself. I have hiked and traveled different places, and I know myself better.